Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Vintage Style, Modern Twist

What to do with family heirlooms, particularly jewelry, always seems to be a tricky topic. So often grandma's jewelry gets passed down to children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren that truly want to have a memento to remember their loved one, but they just don't know what to do with it. Sometimes grandma had a very different build or style and the pieces just don't look right on the recipient, sometimes they are so dated they don't fit with anyone in the family, and sometimes there's a beautiful piece that has some damage that makes it unwearable.

I was in this situation a few summers back, when I received a collection of jewelry from my grandmother's estate. There are some pieces I love, and wear as is. Many others I wanted but didn't know what to do with. They have been in a cedar chest through two years and a move- lately I've been really thinking through what to do with them... I want to create something that I will use regularly, and that will really showcase the pieces.  We (Christine and I) came up with some fun ideas that we're sharing with you! 

Some pieces are an easy DIY project, you can alter them yourself in a non-permanent way. I received a set of blue ceramic beads, to which I added a vintage enamel brooch - it made the perfect July 4th accessory.

Christine has a collection of vintage milk glass and metal necklaces that she has knotted off and wears for a modern, casual look.  Rather than buying "new" accessories, check out some local thrift and antique shops, or search around on e-bay, etsy, and poshmark for fun vintage finds. You never know what's out there just waiting to be found!

Vintage Jewelry - Out2LunchDesigns
Some pieces, on the other hand, require more work to make it into your wardrobe. For this you need professional assistance- which we have just added to our repertoire! We'd like to introduce the Out 2 Lunch custom line! (Not sure why it took so long to come up with this - probably because it's a little scary to work with other people's heirlooms, and we want to make sure we get it right). Our clients can be as involved, or not, in the design process as they choose to be. Some people just know that they want to use certain pieces- maybe to create a set of gifts for all the children and grandchildren, or maybe to enhance a special day with a sentimental or special heirloom piece.
Fabric Swatches - Out2LunchDesigns

Once we receive the jewelry we sort through our fabrics and come up with fabulous combinations that suit the pieces. Other folks have in mind a color scheme or a certain style they want to capture- in that case, we will work (in person and or via email) to find the perfect fabric to meet their vision. Once we have the design elements in place, we create one of our high quality, handmade clutches - seamlessly incorporating their family pieces. When we are done, everyone has a memory that they can incorporate into their life! 

This can also be a popular wedding option. For a few years, the "brooch bouquets" we're popular. Though beautiful, they were often very heavy and not useful for anything but decor afterwards. We are now offering the chance to create a wedding keepsake you will use for years!

Incorporate family jewelry as the "something old" on a clutch for the bride, create a set for the bride and her mother, or create a bridesmaids set - using your jewelry or ours. Our design style and attention to detail will help you to create a keepsake that will be treasured for years.

Check out our website www.out2lunchdesigns.com/home/custom-orders for more details, we'd love to help plan something special for you!  Plus, show us your pics of vintage jewelry used along with today's styles! (tag us on Instagram!)

Happy Creating and Styling!
Stacy and Christine

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